Elizabeth Kassab

Track Leader

Major: English and Secondary Education

Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana

Job/Career Aspirations: High school English teacher. Beyond that, who knows? :)

Campus Involvement: San Damiano scholar, MU Honors Academy member, 21st Century scholar, St. Marianne Cope Formation House Leader

Favorite Saint: St. Dominic Savio

Favorite Movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Favorite Song: What I Want by The Band CAMINO

Favorite Scripture Passage: Sirach 2:1-18

Favorite Meal: A good stir-fry

One Gift You Bring to MDI: My openness to people and the Holy Spirit. I really love taking the time to get to know people personally so as to better understand more facets of the human experience as a whole. Additionally, I think I've been a lot better in recent years about allowing the Spirit to move through the tasks I am given for MDI and in others areas of my life.

Why MDI?

I was blessed to be able to experience MDI as a participant when I was a rising senior in high school. Being apart of the Institute was instrumental in awakening a deep desire within me to not only learn more about our Lord through Holy Mother Church but also to meaningfully contribute to her with my own spiritual gifts. Now that I'm an aspiring educator and college student, I hope to use my gifts and to work with the Holy Spirit in making MDI an impactful experience for other students.

Why Marian University?

Honestly, because of MDI! My time on campus that week gave me great insight into the close knit faith community and the many opportunities this small private school had to offer. I was struck by the San Damiano Scholars program and learning about how it would continue to accompany me in my formation as a human as well as help me grow in my relationship with God.

More about you! Fun facts, experiences, & hobbies:

I have 4 siblings and they are some of my favorite people in the world! My 4-greats uncle on my dad's side is actually a Lebanese saint: St. Nimatullah Al-Hardini Kassab. Much of my free time is spent watching movies, reading/writing, listening to music, and being with loved ones!